Check out our upcoming workshops!

Historical Dances for Stage: from Renaissance to Regency

Showbiz Studios

Saturday, October 19th - 10.00am - 12.00pm

Tickets - $50 (General) $45 (Showbiz Members)

Maximum of 16 participants

Come and explore the subtle playfulness of the Renaissance era, the joyfulness of Regency dances, and the Victorian grandiose! Moving through the centuries, we will learn dances from different historical eras with a particular focus on their theatricality.

After the workshop, participants will be able to apply their new knowledge of dance styles to modern stage productions, be it an epic Shakespearean show, Jane Austen drama, Oscar Wilde comedy, splendid musical fairy-tale, or disturbingly dark post-modern fantasy. This experience will widen the creative scope of theatre practitioners and enthusiasts, regardless of their level of expertise in theatre craft. No previous dance experience or partner required.

Originally from Ukraine, Nataliya is a graduate of the Kyiv National University of Theatre Arts. Now she is an Aotearoa theatre-maker, actor, director, playwright and founder of NO Productions Theatre Company (2012). She loves experimenting with various theatre genres and styles. One of her passions is European historical dancing which she has been teaching since 2004.

Voice and singing technique - with Ravil Atlas

Showbiz Studios

Date: 7th of September

10.00am - 2.00pm

Tickets: $55 (non-members), $45 (Showbiz members)

10-30 participants

A half day intensive covering all basics of vocal production, health, development, and application to specific repertoire. Participants will learn how the voice works and how to improve production, challenges of repertoire, and the effect of character on singing production. Plenty of Q&A on all aspects of voice.

Ravil Atlas is a well known voice expert, conductor, and stage director. He enjoyed a 25-year performing career featuring leading roles in more than 70 professional productions in 6 countries including the US (Broadway and regional equity productions), the EU, UK, and New Zealand. He received his acting training at American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco and a Masters degree in Vocal performance from San Jose State University. Ravil also has a level 3 certificate in Somatic VoiceWork in teaching CCM singing techniques (pedagogy for contemporary commercial music).